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English-Hindi > accumulated profits

accumulated profits meaning in Hindi

accumulated profits sentence in Hindi

संचित लाभ
accumulated    जमा पुंजित संचित
profits    विजित वस्तु
1.The company has $ 1 . 9 billion in accumulated profits, or surplus.

2.Reserves include accumulated profits or capital gains retained in the business.

3.The company has $ 1.9 billion in accumulated profits, or surplus.

4.Price-fixing down to eliminate competition; price-fixing up to accumulate profit.

5.As mutual companies, the accumulated profits have traditionally been reserved for the benefit of policyholders.

6.And that decline wiped out all but $ 50 million of the accumulated profits of investors.

7.If agent decides to stop at time x, the present value of his accumulated profit is

8.Traditionally, when mutual insurers wished to go public, they had to distribute their accumulated profits to policyholders.

9.As merchants accumulated profits, some became financiers.

10.As a first step, John Hancock, like Prudential and some of the others, will distribute accumulated profits among policyholders.

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How to say accumulated profits in Hindi and what is the meaning of accumulated profits in Hindi? accumulated profits Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.